🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

 🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

“Miracles happen when you’re in tune with your body and following your heart.”

Denisa Říha Palečková

It’s time to change the way we talk & think about intimacy. 

Denisa is a love and intimacy expert who brings a totally new approach to the topic of sensuality. She’s on a mission to dissolve taboos around sex and empower couples to enjoy more passionate and fulfilling relationships. Her fresh, down-to-earth approach to intimacy and sensuality helps people experience more happiness and meaning in their lives - by transforming their relationship with their bodies and their partners.

Learn how you can work with Denisa or have her speak at your event below.


Apart from holding regular workshops, Denisa now offers courses online in English and in Czech. Since 2002, she has helped many thousands of people unlock their passions , reach a deeper level of intimacy with their romantic partners, and find their way to a more joyful and fulfilling life. Learn more about her upcoming workshops and courses.


Denisa regularly appears in the media and speaks at a wide variety of conferences and events, as well as at schools. She has been featured as a guest expert on TV and her articles appear in respected print magazines. She was also a speaker at TedX Prague. Learn more about her recent talks or invite her to speak at your next event.

Watch the video from TEDx Prague

As seen in...


Denisa is the founder of ARKAYA® PRAGUE Body Center, where professionally trained CORE TOUCH® massage therapists offer holistic sensual massage, healing bodywork, and individual training for clients who want to learn our signature CORE TOUCH® massage techniques. Visit our center in beautiful and historic Prague to experience joy and vitality in every cell of your body. Our transformative bodywork will help you connect with your intuition and live your purpose more fully.


Denisa is a sought-after author whose articles and interviews appear in a wide range of media and publications. Explore her blog to discover powerful inspiration on how to deepen intimacy, strengthen relationships, and live a fulfilled life.


Denisa inspires tens of thousands people through her YouTube channel. She answers answers frequent questions on love and intimacy and teaches people how to experience more joy, pleasure, and fulfillment in life.


Would you like to invite Denisa to speak at your event or offer a workshop in your area?


Denisa offers a small number of private consulting sessions at her office in Prague or via Skype. Spots tend to be booked months ahead so be sure to book your session well in advance.


In addition to being an in-demand love and intimacy expert, Denisa is a happy wife and mom. She and her husband, Pavel, run her company together and are raising two amazing boys, Pedro and Oliver.


Members of the press are welcome to contact Denisa to learn more and invite her to be interviewed. You’ll find more information and helpful resources in her official press kit.


"If you are not happy, if you are not experiencing joy and bliss and love in your relationship, and seeing it as a path to growth and wholeness in your life, Denisa can help you."
Jack Canfield
"She illuminates a new perspective on the subject of sexuality in our lives, so you can use the power of intimacy to create a long lasting relationship, where there is love AND passion."
Tosin Ogunnusi 
"It was an experience that has changed our life."
Alice and David Kirs
"I fell in love again, and although almost 2 months have passed, it still continues! We left intoxicated and in love and it is amazing that it persevered."
Stana Stiborova Mrazkova
"Denisa's workshops and deep bodywork will help you transform your life into a whole new level, one that you didn't even dream of, and it will open up new possibilities into your life that you didn't even imagine in your dreams."
Karolína Pěnkavová
"Denisa is an inspiring woman full of love, consciousness, and compassion. She has opened the eyes of thousands of people through her teachings on conscious sexuality."
Monika Sicova
“Intimacy and sexuality are topics that are generally considered “taboo,” yet Denisa is able to talk about them in a way that is natural, easy, and highly sensitive to people’s needs."
Alice Kirs