18. - 20.10. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 RETREAT PRO PÁRY na Váňově statku + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu. ➡️ Vneste více radosti, lásky ❤️ a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10denní transformační výcvik CORE TOUCH® I: Škola celostní smyslné masáže 💆 PROMĚŇ ZPŮSOB, JAKÝM PROŽÍVÁŠ SVŮJ ŽIVOT. Více ZDE 

4. 12. 2024 LÁSKA, HOJNOST, POSLÁNÍ: Seminář pro ženy v Chateau Mcely s jedinečnou atmosférou v duchu laskavé péče, inspirující krásy, tvořivosti a lásky ❤️. „Choose Love Everyday“ (zvol si Lásku každý den) Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10-day transformational training CORE TOUCH® I: The School of Holistic Sensual Massage 💆 Give your life spark, joy, love and meaning. More ABOUT

18. - 20.10. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 RETREAT PRO PÁRY na Váňově statku + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu. ➡️ Vneste více radosti, lásky ❤️ a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10denní transformační výcvik CORE TOUCH® I: Škola celostní smyslné masáže 💆 PROMĚŇ ZPŮSOB, JAKÝM PROŽÍVÁŠ SVŮJ ŽIVOT. Více ZDE 

4. 12. 2024 LÁSKA, HOJNOST, POSLÁNÍ: Seminář pro ženy v Chateau Mcely s jedinečnou atmosférou v duchu laskavé péče, inspirující krásy, tvořivosti a lásky ❤️. „Choose Love Everyday“ (zvol si Lásku každý den)  Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10-day transformational training CORE TOUCH® I: The School of Holistic Sensual Massage 💆 Give your life spark, joy, love and meaning. More ABOUT


I come from a lineage of powerful women. My mother and grandmother did not have easy lives, but their struggles and experiences helped to shape the person I am today, and why I do the work I do.

As you may know, I help people find more happiness and fulfillment in their lives and relationships. I teach them to be in tune with their own bodies and listen to their hearts and feelings. This is something my ancestors were not able to experience, and I witnessed the negative effects on their lives that happened as a result.

My grandmother married young. She never enjoyed sex, and described her first time with my grandfather – which happened the day before their wedding – as “rape.”

When my mom was one year old, my grandmother found out that her husband was about to have a baby with another woman. Needless to say, this was basically the end of their marriage. They divorced few years later, which was almost unheard of in the 1950s.

My grandparents on my father’s side also got divorced, while my own mother divorced twice and and married three times!

Years later, I can see how my family’s pain over these broken relationships shaped my life in a positive way. I started my studies in intimacy and relationships when I was 20 and went through a two-year training program focused on psychology, the body, and sexuality. Instead of avoiding intimacy, which was obviously a painful topic in my family, I chose to LEARN about it.

Because of my background, I am so affected by the pain I see in my clients’ marriages – particularly because this pain is easily avoidable and mostly unnecessary. I’m talking about people who LOVE each other, as my grandparents and parents did, yet do not know how to live happily together. They struggle with misunderstanding, shame, lack of communication, and suppressing their true feelings.

I am passionate about bringing light in the areas of their lives where they are struggling – and helping them form their pain and wounds into love and pleasure.

Statistics for most European countries and North America show that about 50% of marriages end in divorce after only 3-5 years of marriage (which is exactly what happened to my parents and grandparents). After 20+ years of working as a relationship and intimacy expert, I can say that about 80% of those people who grow apart could have lived happily ever after, if only they had known how to connect more deeply with each other and transform misunderstanding and feelings of rejection into more love and passion.
This is what I teach my clients. And it’s what I would love to teach you, as well.

Check out my website to learn more and discover how we can work together to help you and your partner experience more joy and fulfillment not only in your relationship, but in everything you do.


"If you are not happy, if you are not experiencing joy and bliss and love in your relationship, and seeing it as a path to growth and wholeness in your life, Denisa can help you. Take advantage of that."
Jack Canfield
"She illuminates a new perspective on the subject of sexuality in our lives, so you can use the power of intimacy to create a long lasting relationship, where there is love AND passion."
Tosin Ogunnusi 
"It was an experience that has changed our life."
Alice and David Kirs
"I fell in love again, and although almost 2 months have passed, it still continues! We left intoxicated and in love and it is amazing that it persevered."
Stana Stiborova Mrazkova
"Denisa's s teachings are very practical. She gives you information and techniques with deep love, wisdom and humanity. Her workshops and deep bodywork will help you transform your life into a whole new level, one that you didn't even dream of, and it will open up new possibilities into your life that you didn't even imagine in your dreams."
Karolína Pěnkavová
"Denisa is an inspiring woman full of love, consciousness, and compassion. Apart from having two beautiful sons that are blossoming in her love, she has inspired growth and increased awareness throughout the entire country. She has opened the eyes of thousands of people through her teachings on conscious sexuality."
Monika Sicova
“Denisa’s enduring passion for her work has made her one of most influential personal growth experts in the Czech Republic. Intimacy and sexuality are topics that are generally considered “taboo,” yet Denisa is able to talk about them in a way that is natural, easy, and highly sensitive to people’s needs."
Alice Kirs