13. - 15.9. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 RETREAT PRO PÁRY v noblesním prostředí prvorepublikové Villa Pepita  (Polsko u českých hranic, kurz probíhá v češtině) ➡️ Vneste více radosti, lásky ❤️ a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10denní transformační výcvik CORE TOUCH® I: Škola celostní smyslné masáže 💆 PROMĚŇ ZPŮSOB, JAKÝM PROŽÍVÁŠ SVŮJ ŽIVOT. Více ZDE 

4. 12. 2024 LÁSKA, HOJNOST, POSLÁNÍ: Seminář pro ženy v Chateau Mcely s jedinečnou atmosférou v duchu laskavé péče, inspirující krásy, tvořivosti a lásky ❤️. „Choose Love Everyday“ (zvol si Lásku každý den) Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10-day transformational training CORE TOUCH® I: The School of Holistic Sensual Massage 💆 Give your life spark, joy, love and meaning. More ABOUT

13. - 15.9. RETREAT PRO PÁRY v noblesním prostředí prvorepublikové Villa Pepita  (Polsko u českých hranic, kurz probíhá v češtině)  👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10denní transformační výcvik CORE TOUCH® I: Škola celostní smyslné masáže 💆 PROMĚŇ ZPŮSOB, JAKÝM PROŽÍVÁŠ SVŮJ ŽIVOT. Více ZDE 

4. 12. 2024 LÁSKA, HOJNOST, POSLÁNÍ: Seminář pro ženy v Chateau Mcely s jedinečnou atmosférou v duchu laskavé péče, inspirující krásy, tvořivosti a lásky ❤️. „Choose Love Everyday“ (zvol si Lásku každý den) Více ZDE

25.10. - 3.11. 🙌 10-day transformational training CORE TOUCH® I: The School of Holistic Sensual Massage 💆 Give your life spark, joy, love and meaning. More ABOUT


“She (Denisa Říha Palečková) is an amazing woman who is a successful entrepreneur, she is a mother and a wife and an expert on love and intimacy which I am sure she is practicing on her family, teaching it to people all over the world and she is an example of really how to have it all in your life. She has a happy family, nourishing relationship and a rich career in which she is living her soul’s purpose. I would just say to everyone: If you are not happy, if you are not experiencing joy and bliss and love in your relationship, and seeing it as a path to growth and wholeness in your life, this woman can help you. Take advantage of that. I love what you are doing, Denisa. I think it is sacred work and it is so important. Our schools do not teach this work. Someone said that the longest journey that we take is the 15 inches from your head to your heart and once you get there it is so worth it. So thank you for doing this awesome work you are doing, it is so wonderful and I am so thrilled that you are out there doing that work.”

Jack Canfield
America’s #1 Success Coach and author of numerous bestselling books, including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“Denisa has a unique way of sharing her message on intimacy and relationships. She has a God-given gift to talk about sexuality in an open, yet very gentle manner for all to comprehend. She illuminates a new perspective on the subject of sexuality in our lives, so you can use the power of intimacy to create a long lasting relationship, where there is love AND passion. And she also, makes references to how sexuality is connected to other areas of your lives. When she talks, she can draw you in for you to experience what she means. There is a natural freedom of love that is expressed when you hear her speak that is both inspiring and uplifting at the same time. Denisa is a master practitioner when it comes to matters of the heart. You will no doubt, in my mind, gain a new perspective on your life and relationship in many ways by listening to her speak. You will pick up practical tips, tools and tactics to keep your intimate relationship ignited for many years to come. Thank you Denisa for being the guardian Angel of Love and Intimacy to the world!”

Tosin Ogunnusi 
UK's #1 Empowerment Trainer and Executive Coach

“Denisa’s enduring passion for her work has made her one of most influential personal growth experts in the Czech Republic.
I had the honour of working closely with Denisa for a few years and was able to witness her share her wisdom and experience with thousands of men and women. Intimacy and sexuality are topics that are generally considered “taboo,” yet Denisa is able to talk about them in a way that is natural, easy, and highly sensitive to people’s needs.
I myself experienced huge benefits in my life and marriage after participating in Denisa’s workshops, trainings and programs. I observed similar changes in the lives of my close friends and also in the lives of hundreds of my clients, who learned about Denisa through me. The benefits they experienced from her teachings were immense and crucial for a joyful and happy life.”

Alice Kirs
Founder of the Women for women

“I never experienced what I experienced on the field of sex and in perception of love and energy for the past six months, I cannot even find words to describe it.”

Stáňa Stiborová Mrázková
Stania, online marketing expert and founder of Beach Business

“My life has completely transformed since I met Denisa two years ago. Denisa's s teachings are very practical. She gives you information and techniques with deep love, wisdom and humanity. Her workshops and deep bodywork will help you transform your life into a whole new level, one that you didn't even dream of, and it will open up new possibilities into your life that you didn't even imagine in your dreams.

I'm probably the most appreciated her ability to activate processes in your body and mind, which will start processes of deep understanding, insights, aha moments. You're going to start getting more comfortable with your life, and you're going to start seeing how your life miraculously transformed – and you're the one who's been transformed.”

Karolína Pěnkavová

“Denisa is an inspiring woman full of love, consciousness, and compassion. Apart from having two beautiful sons that are blossoming in her love, she has inspired growth and increased awareness throughout the entire country. She has opened the eyes of thousands of people through her teachings on conscious sexuality. Thanks to her caring, diligence, consistency, endurance, determination and huge talent in educating others on matters of sexuality, she has received praised from many people. A friend shared with me that a single weekend with Denisa saved her marriage and brought her relationship with her husband to a new level. Denisa is down to earth in her approach to helping people and is an inspiration to many.”

Monika Sičová


“It was an experience that has changed our life.”

Alice Kirš & David Kirš
Founder of the Women for women & Author of Million imperium, owner of the company 2.0

References from workshops and trainings