🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

 🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE


Personal Data Protection

If you are our customer, you have subscribed to our newsletters or you are our website visitor, you share your personal data with us. We are responsible for their protection and safety. Therefore, please, become acquainted with the personal data protection principles and rights, you have in the relation to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). 

We are ARKAYA Education s.r.o., our address is Nitranská 1459/11, Vinohrady, 130 00 Prague 3, Czechia, Identification no.: 070 31 041. We run the website www.denisapaleckova.com. We process your personal data as a controller, we choose how the personal data is going to be used, for what purposes, for how long, and I choose other eventual processors, that help us with the data processing. Who is the controller? 

Contact Details

If you wish to contact us during the data processing, you can use this email: [email protected]

We Declare

We declare, as the controller of your personal data, that we meet all legal obligations required by valid legislation, mainly the General Data Protection Act and GDPR. This means:

  • We are going to process your personal data only based on valid legal reason, mainly due to a legitimate interest, performance of a contract, legal obligation or given consent.
  • According to the Article 13 of the GDPR, we fulfil the information obligation before we start processing personal data.
  • We will enable you and support you in exercising and enforcing your rights according to the GDPR and Personal Data Protection Act. 

The Range of Personal Data and Purposes of Processing

We process personal data you voluntarily share with us for the following reasons (for fulfiling these purposes):

➤ providing services, the performance of the contract

your personal data in the range: e-mail, we need this information for the performance of the contract (e.g. sending the access to an app, delivering an online course, delivering of merchandise, etc.);

➤ bookkeeping

If you are customers,  we need your personal data (invoice data) in order to meet the legal obligation for issuing and recording tax documents;

➤ marketing - sending newsletters

We use your personal data (email and name), gender, what you click on in the email and when you open your emails most often, for the direct marketing purposes - sending business messages. If you are our customer, we do it from a legitimate interest, as we have reason to assume you are interested in our news, for the period of time until you unsubscribe by yourself. 

If you are not our customer, we send you newsletters only based on your voluntary consent, for the period of time until you unsubscribe. In both cases, you can withdraw this consent by using the unsubscribe link in every email sent. 

➤ advanced marketing based on consent

We are allowed to send you inspiring offers of third parties or use your email address e.g. for remarketing and targeting Facebook ads only with your consent until you unsubscribe. You can unsubscribe anytime by using our contact details;

➤photography documentation, references, life events, workshops
We can use your photos, references, feedbacks, etc. only with your consent and until you withdraw your consent;

Your personal data is kept for the duration of the limitation periods if the law doesn't state longer periods for their keeping or if we haven't stated otherwise in specific cases. 


While browsing our website, we record your IP address, for how long you stay and which website you come from. We perceive using cookies for monitoring website traffic and website display adjustments as the legitimate interest of the administrator, as we believe, that thanks to this we can offer you even better services. 

Cookies for targeted advertising will be processed only based on your consent. 

Our website can be browsed also in the mode that doesn't enable personal data collection. You can disable using cookies on your computer. 

Protection and Safety of Personal Data

We protect personal data on the highest possible level by using modern technologies that correspond with the current degree of technical development. We protect them as if they were our own. We have accepted and applied all possible (currently known) technical and organizational procedures that prevent misusage, corruption or destroying of your personal data. 

Passing Personal Data to Third Parties

Our co-workers and employees have access to your personal data to proceed specific processing operations, which we are not able to manage on our own. We use services and apps of providers that can protect the data even better than us and which specialize in the certain processing. They are the following:

  • Provider of applications for communication, website builders and invoicing;
  • Provider of application for e-mail communication and customer support;
  • Facebook, Google;
  • Bookkeeping and tax advice providers;
  • IT services providers, hosting and cloud storage;
  • Providers of assistance services for customer support;
  • Payment getaway providers (debit and credit card providers);
  • Legal services providers, lawyers;
  • Publishing and postal services providers;
  • Co-operating partners working together with us during special events for clients.

It is possible that we will decide to use other apps or providers in the future to improve and facilitate processing. Nevertheless, we promise you that when choosing any new provider we will claim at least the same level of data processing as we have. 

Processing Data outside the European Union

We process data coming solely from the European Union or from the countries that ensure the corresponding level of protection based on European Commission decision. 

Your Rights Related to The Personal Data Protection

According to the personal data protection, you have a number of rights. If you wish to apply some of these rights, please, contact us via email: [email protected]

You have the right to be informed, which is fulfiled by this information page, with the information on the principles of personal data processing. 

Thanks to the right of access, you can acquire information on what personal data of yours we process and why. And we are going to report back to you within 14 days. 

If some information from your personal data changes or you find that they are not up to date, you have the right of rectification of personal data.

You can use the right to restrict processing if you presume that we are processing your inaccurate data, you presume we run the processing illegally, but you don't wish to erase all the data,or if you have objected to the processing.  You can limit the range of personal data used or the processing purposes. (Eg. by unsubscribing from a newsletter, you disable the purpose of sending business messages).

The right to data portability
If you wish to transfer your personal data to somebody else, we will proceed your request in the same way as if using the right to access - but with the difference that, we will give you the information in the machine-readable form. For this, we need at least 30 days. 

The right to erasure (to be forgotten)
Your other right is the right to erasure (to be forgotten). We do not wish to forget you, but if this is your wish, you have the full right to it. In this case, we will delete all your personal data from our system and from the systems of all the partial processors and backups. We need 30 days to secure the erasure right. 

In some cases, we are bound by legal obligations, and, for example, we need to keep evidence of issued tax documents for the period laid down by law. In this case, we will erase all the personal data, which are not bound by other law. We are going to inform you about the erasure completion via e-mail. 

Complaint at Office for Personal Data Protection
If you get the impression that we aren't processing your data according to the law, you have the right to refer to the Office for Personal Data Protection. We would appreciate it if you contact us first if you get this impression, so we get the chance to do something about it and correct any eventual mistakes. 

Unsubscribing from newsletters and business messages
If you are our customer we send you e-mails with inspiration, articles, products, services based on our legitimate interest. 

If you are not our customer yet, we send them to you solely based on your consent. In both cases, you can opt out from our e-mails by using the unsubscribe link in every e-mail sent.


We would like to ensure that our employees and co-workers that will process your personal data are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding personal data and safety procedures, which disclosure would compromise the security of your personal data. This confidentiality lasts even after the termination of their engagement with us. Your data won't be passed onto any other third party without your consent.