🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

 🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE


Denisa offers a small number of private one-on-one consulting sessions at her office in Prague or via WhatsApp/phone. Spots tend to be booked months ahead so be sure to book your session well in advance.

Denisa can help you enhance your:

  • Intimacy and sexuality
  • Partner relationships and communication

  • Self-realisation and personal mission

  • Self-love and self-acceptance

  • Family relationships

  • Personal development

  • Cultivation of joy and happiness


Private sessions

(in person or via WhatsApp/phone)

Denisa has focused on working with the body and intimacy since 2002. She will help you transform your relationship with your body AND your partner so you can experience more health, happiness, fulfilling and harmony in everything you do.

Denisa can help you with:

  • Intimacy and sexuality – male vs. female sexuality, sex during pregnancy, intimacy after childbirth, problems in sex (impotence, premature ejaculation, pain during sex), pornography, masturbation, how to satisfy a man/woman, menstrual cycle, differences in sexual opening of the male and female bodies.

  • Partner relationships – communication in a partner relationship, polarity, infidelity, divorce and breakup, how to fill a relationship with love and passion, how to improve one’s sexual life in a partner relationship.

  • Self-realisation and personal mission – how to live the full and meaningful life of your dreams, what to focus on in life, how to discover the true desires of your heart, how to properly understand and express your desires, how to make your dreams reality, how to cope with activities that do not bring you joy.

  • Family relationships – how to communicate with a former partner, relationships in the extended family, how to give to others so that we truly please them.

  • Self-realisation and self-acceptance – awakening of love within yourself, experiencing joy and pleasure in your body, how to have a satisfying relationship with your body.

  • Cultivation of joy and happiness – how to live the life of your dreams, how to experience more happiness and joy in life, the key to feeling permanently happy in life, how to maintain and leverage newly gained inspiration in life.

We can meet in Prague or via WhatsApp/phone.

Individual session rates:

30 minutes

105 Eur

60 minutes

210 Eur

90 minutes

320 Eur

120 minutes

420 Eur


Enjoy CORE TOUCH® bodywork

Denisa Říha Palečková is the founder of ARKAYA® Prague, which offers a broad range of massages and self-development and instructional programmes for women, men and couples.
ARKAYA® has a team of certified masseuses and masseurs who have undergone CORE TOUCH® professional training (previously known as the School of Holistic Sensual Massage).

CORE TOUCH® bodywork can bring you, for example:

  • Appreciation of your body and emotions – thanks to the experience of joy and pleasure in the body, we can learn to truly appreciate and love ourselves.

  • Full experience of your own sexuality and body, and the intensity of the pleasure and joy that you can experience.

  • Honouring your own sexuality – through the CORE TOUCH™ Holistic Sensual Massage, you will experience not only care, but also deep respect.

  • Elimination of IMPOTENCE – CORE TOUCH™ Holistic Sensual Massage can be an inspiration and a practical aid in the case of erectile problems thanks to establishment of balance in the body and restoration of the life force.

  • You will expand the possibilities of your body, with the power of your sexuality, the kinds of joy and pleasure you can experience through your body.

  • Learn the BIG DRAW – thanks to this technique, men can learn how working with the pelvic floor and breathing can distribute energy throughout the whole body and thus gain the choice of when (and whether) they wish to ejaculate. They can maintain a high level of energy and, at the same time, relaxation and thus expand the possibilities of experience in the area of their own sexuality.

  • Enriching experience throughout the body through acceptance of CORE TOUCH® Holistic Sensual Massage. At the same time, you will gain a very effective tool for transforming, deepening and improving your experience - not only in the area of intimacy, but in every aspect your life.

  • Working with focus – where attention goes, energy goes. When working with the body, you can direct the released energy so that it supports your personal life, growth and what you experience in the world.

  • Use of sensuality and sexuality not only as a source of pleasure, but also of energy and healing.

  • Elimination of old traumas and wounds through working with the body, removal of old blocks so that you make room for new life.


"If you are not happy, if you are not experiencing joy and bliss and love in your relationship, and seeing it as a path to growth and wholeness in your life, Denisa can help you."
Jack Canfield
"She illuminates a new perspective on the subject of sexuality in our lives, so you can use the power of intimacy to create a long lasting relationship, where there is love AND passion."
Tosin Ogunnusi 
"It was an experience that has changed our life."
Alice and David Kirs
"I fell in love again, and although almost 2 months have passed, it still continues! We left intoxicated and in love and it is amazing that it persevered."
Stana Stiborova Mrazkova
"Denisa's workshops and deep bodywork will help you transform your life into a whole new level, one that you didn't even dream of, and it will open up new possibilities into your life that you didn't even imagine in your dreams."
Karolína Pěnkavová
"Denisa is an inspiring woman full of love, consciousness, and compassion. She has opened the eyes of thousands of people through her teachings on conscious sexuality."
Monika Sicova
“Intimacy and sexuality are topics that are generally considered “taboo,” yet Denisa is able to talk about them in a way that is natural, easy, and highly sensitive to people’s needs."
Alice Kirs