🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

 🌞 LETNÍ AKCE ➡️ NOVINKA!!! 🥳 LÁSKA JE TVŮJ ZDROJ 🌸 KURZ + KLUB 🌸 3měsíční cesta s velkou transformační silou + VSTUP DO KLUBU NA 3 MĚSÍCE ZDARMA . Více ZDE

PŘEPIS LIMBICKÉHO OTISKU 💫 22.8. (17 - 22 h) online workshop a vedená meditace » Projdi hlubokou vnitřní transformací ... a zvol si, jakou cestou se vydáš. Více ZDE

RETREAT PRO PÁRY 23. - 25.8. na Váňově statku 🏡 + přímý přenos lektorů z kurzu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Vneste více radosti, lásky a harmonie do Vašeho vztahu a zamilujte se znovu (nebo ještě více) do svého partnera. Více ZDE

The legendary seminar


Bring more joy, love and harmony into your relationship and fall in love again (or even more) with your partner.

The seminar is intended for both

  • happy couples who come to improve the functioning of their relationships, and
  • couples who are going through a relationship crisis.

Since 2005, thousands of couples from around the world have attended my legendary courses.



Do you want to be notified about upcoming Retreats for couples held in English?

A little is enough. To know how to do it. And decide to use it.

Whether you are enjoying a beautiful relationship full of understanding or going through a relationship crisis, in this course you will have an opportunity to better understand the differences between you and your partner and learn to communicate and work together in order to better support each other.

Eighty percent of couples leave our courses not only in harmony, but – in most cases – also in love again as much as or even more than they were at the beginning of their relationship. However, the course is attended by not only happy couples, but also by some who are even facing divorce. In just two days, they often resolve problems that have plagued them for months or years.

How is that possible?

During the course, I share methods that we were not taught at school and that can truly transform one’s relationship. The seminar is for every couple; no prior knowledge is necessary. The presentation is conducted in a comprehensible, direct and practical form with emphasis on use of these methods in everyday life.

Seminar topics

You can find some of the topics of this intensive seminar for couples below. Other topics will be based on your life experience and questions.

To a significant extent, our bodies determine:

  • how to communication so that you truly understand each other and that the man truly hears the woman,
  • how to transform arguments into understanding,
  • how to transform routine and obstacles in sex into lovemaking and joy,
  • how a man can love a woman even with her “dark” emotions,
  • how to touch a woman and a man,
  • and much more.

You will also learn

  • that hot and passionate sexuality (which we see in films and pornography) is only one side of a coin that has its counterpart – intimacy that is calm, deep and fulfilling, and is thus essential as a source of lasting sexuality,
  • that we need to relearn habits in the area of the body and sexuality,
  • that real understanding cannot arise through words, but thanks to physical connection when our bodies communicate,
  • that lovemaking with an open heart and relaxed body while being fully present is healing, supports understanding between lovers, restores the lifeforce, and deepens our love and spiritual connection,
  • and much more.

Fall in love again (or even more) with your partner. 

Over the course of a few days, you will see more closely what is hindering you on your journey together and what supports you.

You will learn to transform conflicts that create distance into the energy of a loving connection. You will better understand what you can give to each other and your surroundings, and you will see your shared path in broader contexts.

Presentation together, practice in privacy

The course is conducted in a lively, humorous and provocative manner, and it is packed with insights and practical understanding and wisdom that inspires men and women to live from the bottom of their hearts.

The group programme includes the presentation, sharing, communication and physical exercises for deepening loving connections and intimacy. Intimate exercises will be done in the privacy of attendees’ own rooms.

What participants are saying…

"Richard and Denisa, meeting you at Retreat for couples in late September was very important for our relationship. We had no previous experience with any other similar school, and this was exactly IT.

Finally I understood things, which we were not told about at home when we were young nor were they taught at school. Things of such an importance for life and at the same time so neglected by the school system. For me you were the very first, true, life teachers.

Thank you that you are here and I deeply bow to your knowledge. Thank you for passing your knowledge forward in such a natural and easily understandable way. You have opened my heart and filled it with love."

Tomáš, technologist (35)

"We enjoy being together so much from our – your weekend; of course, we had to face the „storm wave“ of everyday reality, but hopefully we overcame it and we will try to keep safe all that what we gained during the course."

Mirek, 38, owner and a chief of Travel Agency

"We signed up for the course just to „enjoy it“ as most of the couples as I guess. However, what happened there, no one expected, including us. You managed to open the heart of absolutely every participant in the course.

Only by the power of thought. There was something in the air belching and filling us with the wonderful feeling of presence, safety and love. We were literally flooded by these energies.

The ending of the course was very emotional for us. I tried hard not to cry. Franz tried to stay calm – as a man. But tears ran down my and his face as well. In one word, it was absolutely amazing! Thank you once again."

Maryna and Franz

"We participated on the Retreat for couples in September and we were excited. We liked your easy attitude, your femaleness, Richard´s sense of humor. I felt so NOBLE, so FEMININE, so PURE, so NATURAL afterwards."

Lucka, mother (33)

"I could not imagine at all that my husband would ever participate in any type of event for couples and especially not in anything like Deniska and Richard do.

But it happened, we were in Pepita..!! It was great and since then miracles are happening at our home.

It gave us a completely new energy and appreciate and respect my partner very much for how he went for it. Thank you."



Do you want to be notified about upcoming Retreats for couples held in English?


Denisa is an lecturer and speaker from the Czech Republic who brings a totally new view of intimacy and methods for using this area of life for health, happiness, relationships and personal growth. Since 2002, through her courses, talks, articles and videos, she has helped many thousands of people find their way to a more joyful and fulfilling life.


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